Monday 23 March 2020


Image result for lord's cricket ground
Hi my name is Ethan. I would like to go to Lords Cricket Ground because Cricket is so cool.
I would take my friends and watch a Cricket match. Would you want to go to Lords the amazing Cricket ground? Blog you later. (:

The explorer

One day I was on a plane by myself and of course there was a pilot. And then the pilot fainted and  when  I was falling I was terrified.
But then the pilot woke up just before they crashed and then we flew happily:)⤄

Friday 20 March 2020

My project

Th is the project the whole class did.
So the fast you a image were you wont to go. Then the teacher will print it out. Then you need to pant a background. Then  you need to make three hot air bouillons. Then you need to cut out your bouillons. Then you need to cut out your image. Then stick your  bouillons and your image on your panting. Then you stick your panting on a black peace of paper then your done.   

Friday 13 March 2020

my kaitiakitanga

⥹I going to  show kaitiakitanga by caring for plants. If you don`t care for plants we won`t be here so look after the trees and plants. will you care for plants and trees?

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Puzzle Ponder W3

puzzle ponder

tiles cord couch cat miroor

Bay of islands

Hi I'm Ethan. have you ever been to the bay of islands. If you haven't been to the bay of islands you have to go there. and then I went to the beach. And I went in the water and the waves were big and the water was cold when I first got in. And we stayed there for 4 days.

Monday 2 March 2020

I like garden to table. I like the cooking part, it is fun.