Friday 1 May 2020

Silly photos of me


  1. Hi Ethan, they are very cool photos... you will have to let me know which one you want as your profile picture. bye : )

  2. Hi Ethan
    These photos are very creative. I especially like the first one as the effect is a bit like water ripples. And I like the warm colours too. Did you do these on a Chromebook?

  3. Hi Ethan, I think the one when your face is all squashed out is the funniest! See you back at school on Monday.

  4. Hi Ethan, I really like the first one, you look like something from a Marvel movie. Hope "school" is going well.

  5. Yes Ethan, why don't you make a post about what it is like at school during Level 3 of the lockdown? I'm sure lots of people would be really interested to hear what is happening there and what the differences are compared to working from home. You could be our "on the spot reporter"!
    Perhaps you could write your blog post as if you have been sent there by a news team. You could even get interviews from other students and teachers in your bubble. bye : )


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