Wednesday 26 August 2020

Went on a walk



Me and my friends were talking about going on a new walk that they have not done. They had almost done most of the walks in  London. But there was one that they hadn't which was the one were it goes right into space. 

It is probably the longest walk in the world but they have been training there hole live even when they were kids. They were like the fittest people in the world.

So we decided to do it. This is going to be really hard said one of my friend, I know it is going to be hard but it will be fun. The next morning I woke up first, I was so excited to go on this walk. My friends were excited to go on the walk as well. Three hours later they were about three quarters of the way there all of a sudden A giant Pegasus floats out of the clouds it was amazing! 

I jumped on to it it was really cool and it could talk. 

I told it to make me fly to the top and it did this was best experience. 

                         The end         



  1. Talofa lava Ethan, Wow! I have done a lot of walks in London, but never one that ended in space. What a wonderful and creative idea.
    I like that your story starts in the real world and then moves into a world of fantasy, especially when the giant pegasus appears.
    Do you think you could find the places where you and your friends speak and add the correct punctuation to show they are talking. "I think you will definitely be able to do that Ethan." cheered Megan ; )

  2. Hi Megan, I would love to go on walk into space it would be so fun.
    Thanks for looking on my blog and posting really good writing prompts.
    Blog you later.


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